How 8(a)BD Certification Can be a Great Tool to Build Your Business

Many small businesses find the requirements of the certification applications to be arduous. However, it has been our experience that once any organization understands the regulations and the specific reasons for each question included in a certification application, the company can see how the puzzle pieces fit in place.  Applying for most socio-economic certifications, especially the 8(a)BD requires the applicant company to account for everything it needs to be capable of doing business with virtually any client in the government or private sector. The process is a great tool to help an organization evaluate its current operation and goals for the future.

This is why the process of applying for a socio-economic certification is such a valuable tool for companies. Going through the process should take an organization to a new level. For those who qualify, achieving a socio economic certification is a valuable tool to capitalize your business. Marketed properly, you can use this tool to open the door to contracting with the government (federal, state and local) as well as large corporations.  For small business owners who are veterans, service disabled veterans, minority, female and/or otherwise disadvantaged, there are a variety of certification programs to consider.

The 8(a)BD Certification  is a one-time use, nine year program that provides a broader scope of assistance for companies that meet certain requirements  for socially disadvantaged AND economically disadvantaged small business owners.